Series No. 6

Cartographic material and technical drawings. -- 1855-[189-?]. -- 3 cm of cartographic material, architectural drawings and technical drawings

Note: Includes 13 maps, 3 profiles, 70 diagrams, 2 architectural drawings and 10 technical drawings

Scope and content: This series contains cartographic material, architectural drawings, and technical drawings relating to the Chignecto Ship Railway, the Intercolonial Railway, and the city of Fredericton. It also includes several miscellaneous items, notably plans for canals, dams, and piers in Ontario, France, England and Egypt.

Title based content of the series

A few technical drawings are in letterbooks located in series 3


Item Not Scanned
Nouvelles annales de la construction - série des ports de mer [technical drawing] : docks, bassin Napoléon et avant port d'Arenc en construction á Marseille en 1855/ Ingr. Ordre. Mr. Pascal; Ingr. en chef Mr. de Montricher; Inspr. General Mr. Busche. - Scales differ. - Paris : Chez Ver. Dalmont (49 Quai des Augustins), 1855. - 2 technical drawings on 1 sheet; 37.5 x 55.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Nouvelles annales de la construction - série des travaux de fondation [technical drawing] : piles tubulaires en fonte du pont de Chepstow sur la Wye et piles tubulaires du pont de Benha/ J. K. Brunel Ingr.; MM. R. Stephenson Ingr. - Scales differ. - Paris : Chez Ver. Dalmont (49 Quai des Augustins), 1855. - 2 technical drawings on 1 sheet; 37.5 x 55.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Nouvelles annales de la construction - série des gares et stations no. 9 et série des gares et stations no. 10 [technical drawing] : nouveau système de couverture économique/ par M. C. Boutillier. - Scales differ. - Paris : Chez Ver. Dalmont (49 Quai des Augustins), 1855. - 2 technical drawings on 1 sheet; 37.5 x 55.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Nouvelles annales de la construction - série des gares et stations no. 11 et série des tunnels et souterraines no. 2 [technical drawing] : maisons de garde et d'inspection et tunnel de Hauenstein. - Scales differ. - Paris : Chez Ver. Dalmont (49 Quai des Augustins), 1855. - 2 technical drawings on 1 sheet; 37.5 x 55.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Nouvelles annales de la construction - série des machines outils et série des charpentes et couvertures [technical drawing] : nouveau tour á roues de wagons et marquises économiques á serrage variable/ Ingénieur M. C. Boutillier. - Scales differ. - Paris : Chez Ver. Dalmont (49 Quai des Augustins), 1855. - 2 technical drawings on 1 sheet; 37.5 x 55.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Plan of survey for the water supply to the city of Fredericton N. B. from Tower Lake [cartographic material] : section of route for pipes from lake/ by C. C. Gregory, C. E. - Scale 1 in. to 825 ft; vertical scale 1 in. to 80 ft. - 15 January 1867. - 1 profile : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 73.7 x 125.7 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Public Works Canada - Wellington Harbour - Lake Ontario-Ont. [technical drawing]/ E. G. S. - Scales differ. - [18-?]. - 6 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 62.2 x 99.1 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Public Works Canada - proposed extension of pier - Cobourg Ont. [technical drawing]/ U. V. Delt. - Scales differ. - [18-?]. - 12 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 62.7 x 83.8 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Section of Mill Creek Valley [cartographic material]. - Scales 1 in. to 300 ft. and 1 in. to 20 ft. - [18-?]. - 14 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 113 x 64.8 cm  OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Public Works Canada - extension of breakwater at Wood Islands, P. E. Island [technical drawing]. - Scales differ. - [18-?]. - 12 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 69.9 x 104.1 cm

Note: Panel title: Public Works Canada - extension of breakwater at Wood Islands, P. E. Island OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Portions of Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche Counties [cartographic material]. - Scale 1 in. to 100 chains. - [18-?]. - 1 map : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 59.7 x 52.6 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
General map to accompany report on the Intercolonial Railway exploratory survey of 1864 [cartographic material] : made under construction from the Canadian Government/ by Sandford Fleming, C. E.. - Scale 3 cm to 10 English statute miles. - Montreal: Burland, Lafricain & Co., 1864. - 1 map, 81.8 x 143.4 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Approximate profile Intercl Rlwy [Intercolonial Railway] exploratory survey of 1864 from R Trois Pistoles to R Snellier [cartographic material]/ by Sandford Fleming. - Scale 1 in. equals 500 ft. Vertical scale 1 in. equals 50 ft. - Traced 1864. - 1 profile : ink; roll 48 x 4 cm in diam.  OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Approximate profile Intercolonial Railway exploratory survey of 1864 from River Snellier to Green River [cartographic material]. - Scale 1 in. equals 500 ft. Vertical scale 1 in. equals 50 ft. - Traced in 1864. - 1 profile : ink; roll 48 x 10 cm in diam. OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
City of Fredericton [cartographic material]: showing streets from riverfront to Charlotte St. and from Smyth St. to Sunbury St. - Scale 1 in. to 100 chains. - [187-?]. - 1 map : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 68.6 x 238.8 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
City of Fredericton [cartographic material] : showing area from riverfront to eleventh range at Maryland lots and from Mill Creek to Kingsclear grant as well as the area of watershed to Maryland Road. - Scale 1 in. to 10 chains. - [187-?]. - 1 map : ink, on tracing paper, col.; 36.5 x 73.7 cm OVERSIZE
Selection of Maps
Chignecto Marine Transport Railway plans [cartographic material] [New Brunswick and Nova Scotia]/ H. G. C. Ketchum and Charles J. Townshend. - Scale 1 in. equals 800 ft. - September 1885. - 4 maps on 4 sheets : col.; roll 65 x 10 cm in diam. OVERSIZE
Map showing Chignecto Ship Railway [cartographic material] : [New Brunswick]. - Scale 1 in. equals 30 nautical miles. - London (London Wall) : Waterlow & Sons Limited, [188-?].- 4 maps on 4 sheets : col.; 42 x 37.5 cm

Note: Includes sketches showing ship being raised on lift, ship lifted ready for transit, and ship in transit. - 2 maps are located in OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Interior of cold house with ice chamber and refrigerator chamber for [Chignecto Ship Railway?] [architectural drawing]. - [188-?]. - 1 architectural drawing; 65 x 98 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Exterior of cold house for [Chignecto Ship Railway?] [architectural drawing]. - [188-?]. - 1 architectural drawing; 45 x 98 cm OVERSIZE
Plates of leader and smokestack and railroad pile driver [technical drawing]. - Toledo : Wilcox & Stock, [188-?]. - 2 diagrams on 1 sheet; 32 x 25 cm

Note: Diagrams were published in printed form
Item Not Scanned
Plates of Osgood steam shovel and Victor steam shovel [technical drawing]. - [188-?]. - 2 diagrams on 2 sheets; 15 x 21.5 cm and 14.5 x 25.5 cm
Note: Diagrams were published in printed form
of Drawings
Chignecto Marine Transport Railway [technical drawing] : cross section of ship carriage and plan of bogie. - [189-?]. - 4 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 66.5 x 186.7 cm OVERSIZE
Selection of Drawings
Chignecto Marine Transport Railway [technical drawing] : traverser, carriage, carriage chamber. - Scale 1/2 in. to 1 ft. and 1/4 in. to 1 ft. - [189-?]. - 5 diagrams on 1 sheet : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col.; 66 x 186.7 cm OVERSIZE
Maritime Provinces and eastern Maine [cartographic material]. - [189-?]. - 1 map on 1 sheet; 44.5 x 49 cm. - scotch tape holding map together in 2 places
Note: Pencilled note on bottom right "Chignecto Ship Railway saves 600 miles from Quebec to St. John" OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Chignecto Marine Transport Railway [technical drawing] : marking plan of gridirons/ H. - 27 March 1890. - 3 diagrams on 1 sheet : ink, on tracing paper; 78.7 x 173.9 cm OVERSIZE
Selection of Drawings
Chignecto Marine Transport Railway [technical drawing] : Amherst Basin and terminus. - Scale 1 in. to 8 ft. and 1/2 in. to 1 ft. - 7 July 1990. - 9 diagrams on 1 sheet of tracing paper : pencil and ink, on tracing paper, col; 95.3 x 186.7 cm OVERSIZE
Item Not Scanned
Sault Ste. Marie Canal [technical drawing] : plan showing outline plan, filling and emptying culverts, longitudinal section &/ T. Trudeau. - Scale 1 in. to 20 ft. - 5 April 1892. - 1 diagram; 57.2 x 166.2 cm OVERSIZE


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